Dilapidation / Building Condition Reports

A professionally prepared building condition report can provide protection against accidental building damage from neighbouring building projects and new developments

Normally the Builders or Project Managers are responsible for new developments to arrange for Dilapidation reports on neighbouring properties, prior to commencement of building or excavation. However based on our experience, we find that many new developments do not conduct adequate dilapidation reports, leaving neighbours uncertain of their rights. 

A dilapidation report is basically a ‘snapshot’ of the ‘existing condition’ of dwellings that are adjacent to or near to new proposed building works, infrastructure projects or excavations.

Excavation and heavy earthworks can cause vibrations, movement or ground subsidence which can damage neighbouring houses causing building cracking or other structural damage. Accidental damage to roads and pathways is also possible with the movement of materials and equipment like diggers or trucks.

By documenting the condition of the existing neighbouring properties prior to the commencement of any works, disputes can be easily avoided and building owners have at least some level of ‘protection’ from accidental building or site damage.

The builder, developer or project manager should have dilapidation reports carried out prior to commencement of any work to protect themselves against possible litigation.

Alternatively if you are aware that major building works or a government infrastructure project is commencing near your house and a dilapidation report has not been carried out, you should protect yourself and have one independently arranged as soon as possible.

A Sydney PrePurchase Building Consultant can provide professional dilapidation / building condition reports for home owners, builders, developers, solicitors and local council.

Book an Inspection today on 0488 900 386